Tuesday, March 04, 2003


Semantic Networks "A semantic network is fundamentally a system for capturing, storing and transferring information that works much the same as (and is, in fact, modeled after) the human brain. It is robust, efficient and flexible." The anatomy of the semantic network consists of concepts, relationships and instances.

"The semantic network implementation is further described:
Users will each have their own set of concepts: one for their login, one for their password (MD5 encoded).
They will have an instance relating them to the concept "Users" to define them as such. They will have instances
involving element permissions.
{Users, has member / member of, [UserName]}
{[UserName], has password / password for, [Password] *MD5 Encoded}
{[UserName], [permission] / [permission], [ElementGUID]}"

Security Whitepaper

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