Friday, September 17, 2004

Sesame 1.1 RC1 Released

"1.1-RC1 is the first official Release Candidate for Sesame 1.1. This release has a number of major improvements:

* The Graph API, an extension of Sesame's access APIs, allows fine-grained manipulation of RDF models directly from Java.
* The Native Disk Store is a new storage backend that works directly on the file system, without need for a DBMS. It uses B-Tree indexing on binary files for fast, efficient and scalable storage.
* SeRQL revision 1.1 is a syntax revision that makes SeRQL queries even easier to read and write, and makes embedding in XML easier.
* Blank node handling has dramatically improved compared to 1.0.x.
* RDF Schema inferencing has been updated to be fully compliant with the W3C RDF Semantics Recommendation.
* Support for MS SQL Server as storage backend RDBMS. Thanks to Adam Skutt for providing fixes and suggestions for this.
* Partial OWL reasoning support through Sesame's custom inferencer."


In A new Sail for Sesame thread: "1. Loading of multimedia metadata (includes metadata-extraction from 2777 MP3 files, transformation and load; so don't care for the absolute times...):

MSR: 85 sec (49089 explicit + 139894 inferred =188983 total statements)
NR: 87 sec (49089 explicit statements)

=> As NR does not generate inferred statements, I'm not sure what the performance will be with inferencing, but this looks good to me at the moment.

2. Renaming of a Class with 2777 associated instances:
MSR: 52 sec
NR: 3 sec
=> Wow! This is much better and depends on the number of triples involved (in contrast to the memoryrepository)."

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