Saturday, January 08, 2005

Semantic Web Experiences

Why You Should Be Looking at Semantic Technologies Now "From publishers to VCs: Look at what—and how—they're enabling solutions and innovation."

"There are at least 20 new vendors. One way to judge the arrival of something is the increase in the number of vendors. Now I have 10 suppliers of triple stores to consider. We have existing companies to look to. What is going on in IBM now? What is going on with HP? Why are they doing all this stuff with RDF? What is happening at Sun with SwoRDFish?"

"At NASA we're working on ontologies for the space shuttle and for new risk management, and now for wire management on the aging wire."

Hmm, the wire management ontology, I didn't see that one. Who said the Semantic Web was going to be merely academic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,

A NASA CTO, Andy Schain, is visiting the Mindlab this year, and I've been spending a good deal of time with him, talking about how NASA can use (and is using) OWL, RDF, the Web, and so on. It's exciting stuff.

In fact, we're working on a call-for-participation for a SemWeb interop bakeoff event sponsored by NASA. I'm hoping we can get Kowari participation somehow.

Kendall Clark