Saturday, September 24, 2005

Supping from the Information Firehose

* Oracle 10g Support for RDF "There are procedures provided to search the RDF models with a language that looks like a bit like SPARQL...The search is pretty nice because you can join your search on standard SQL tables, thus combining both your triple model and relational models together.

Oracle also has Rule support, in the form of Rule Indexes. A builtin set of rules for RDF Schema (RDFS) semantics is provided, which is a very nice touch. You are also free to create your own rules, both with the query pattern matching and filters."
* An Atom Store With links to people wanting to create a non-SQL store for Atom, including the very good Bosworth's Web of Data (original here) which is largely about why new databases should not be like Oracle but should distribute the processing (no views, triggers, etc).
* RDFAuthor does SPARQL "Damian is working on a new version of RDFAuthor that generates SPARQL queries (instead of the older Squish notation). It can also (not sure which protocol(s)) get results from a query service." I liked the original RDFAuthor - good to see an update is underway.
* Wrapping rdflib's Graph around a 4RDF Model "I wrote a 4Suite RDF model backend for rdflib, that allows the wrapping of Graph around a live 4Suite RDF model. Finally, I used this backend to execute a sparql-p query..."
* Secrets of lightweight development success, Part 7: Java alternatives Closures, Continuations, Metaprogramming and Reflection: "In short, the Java language just isn't a very productive applications language. The founders made some wise compromises to wrestle control away from C++, but we're starting to pay for those compromises."
* ONJava 2005 Reader Survey Results, Part 1 "Eclipse (76 percent), NetBeans (21 percent), None (17 percent), IntelliJ (13 percent)...JBoss (38 percent), None (28 percent), WebSphere (21 percent), WebLogic (20 percent)"
* Language Innovation: C# 3.0 explained "...most of the features of C# 3.0 are, arguably, nothing but syntactic sugar designed to make programming more productive..." One of the things that was (originally) good about Java was the lack of syntax (I thought anyway!).
* KVM over IP

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