What Sort of Pasta Do You Want? "After reflecting on a system that was developed using techniques found more so in agilest development teams such as Test Driven Development (TDD) and dependency injection, they observed that the parts of the system were more loosely coupled and more easily interchangeable, good indicators that it would be a better system to maintain. The code is better described as ravioli code instead of that of its more common pasta brethren.
This analogy has really stuck with me since because of the number of parallels it draws. Take one such example – the reason that ravioli is typically more expensive than spaghetti, even though they are both made from the same fundamental ingredients, is that making good ravioli takes a lot more skill than it does spaghetti. This idea is,of course, not new, and can be taken to extremes (see Wikipedia’s entry) but I know which one is is my favourite."
So ravioli code is part of the pasta theory of programming which includes lasagne code.
A little bit of Spring, makes your code Sing! "We make extensive use of Spring at the day job, and feel it has been a key contributor to our extremely high code coverage, and the promotion of the ravioli code pattern; although some are of the opinion that ravioli code is an anti-pattern, I prefer smaller pieces loosely joined over the alternative."
It is an anti-pattern in the way that too many, loosely joined, tiny pieces of code hampers the understanding of the code. Too many classes with 10 lines in them calling another class, just catching an exception or looping around a method call, etc. In this way, it can reduce the ease at which code can be modified.
In "Where Smalltalk Went Wrong 2": "Again, ravioli code doesn't offer a path from here to there. "Here" in this case is the ignorant programmer first introduced to the code, "there" is the same programmer successfully making whatever change they need to make. In my experience with ravioli code there is a gestalt which is arrived at in a sudden realization, when the picture comes together. But before you reach that realization you find yourself in a murky set of code where it is difficult to predict effects or determine causality, and you seldom know how far away you are from the gestalt realization.".
To push the analogy, the ravoli becomes too small so that there is nothing left but empty shells of pasta. It's much more palatable, code-wise, than spaghetti (where the goodness is all over the plate and can't be stuffed in) or mud.
In the same way that there is duplication detection there should also be a metric available to judge whether a piece of code is not providing enough functionality or value. However, the way most code is written this isn't frequently a problem. A good example given of "about the right size" is where the algorithm is on paper and the code is in our head.
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