Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The 7th dimension is infinity

Possible Worlds: The Fifth Dimension So it starts at 0 so I think the 5th dimension is labelled "4" on the presentation, the 6th dimension is actually all possible worlds. There are 11 dimensions but it says the 10th. Using Wikipedia's definition of dimension the 0 dimension is the first defined dimension.


Anonymous said...

Yes that's correct to some degree. But in simplier terms it goes like this:

Dimension zero is a dot
Dimension one is length
Dimension two is width
Dimension three is height

Dimension four is depth
Dimension five is girth
Dimension six is mass (weight minus gravity
Dimension eight is the fold/curviture

Note: the firth 4 are perceived by humans in terms of space and the latter 4 we perceive through time.

Shannon said...

I believe you both have it wrong.
The first dimension is indeed the line, the second is the plane, as in the square, the third is an extruded version of the 2 dimensional plane, and in the example of the square for the second, the third would be the cube, the forth is time, which is an invisible phenomenon that creates the potential of 3 dimensional objects to move within other 3 dimensional objects. I'm classifying space as just another 3 dimensional object, because it is just that. It is an encapsulated liquid of sorts, much as the ocean is to a fish, with definable boundaries, outside of which apparently nothing exists.
Now the fifth dimension, I would like to postulate, traces the movement of 3 dimensional objects through time. If time is a physical unseen dimension, and it is, then as we move through it, or as it moves us, the movements of the universe are made up of a variety of 3 dimensional objects that each occupy a particular coordinate set in space moving to a new coordinate set. In order for time to incur, movement must take place, there must be actions, otherwise time would have no function. But as objects move and therefore come to occupy different sections of space, the sections of space that they come to occupy is not the same apparent section of space that they looked as though they would occupy.
Every moment creates a whole new space for the universe to fit into. The reasoning behind this is simple, but I can't seem to find the words for it at present. The 5th dimension becomes a sort or storage medium for tracing the movements of 3-d objects in space, recording or predetermining, (depending on whether you believe in free or forordained fate"
all of the momements that have occured since the beginning of time. Now because the 5th dimension is a sort of storage medium for 3 dimensional objects it has to also contain 3 dimensions. This brings us to the 7th dimension. The 5th, 6th, and 7th dimension are the moments of time which are eternal, and thus run perpendicular to the one dimensional line that is time.
Would love to get some feedback on these ideas. Its late or I would write more. Perhaps tomorrow.

Shannon Weinhold
Klasdja Intelligent Innovations
Salem, Oregon

Anonymous said...

Well there's something that none of you mentioned, that should have been mentioned, because you all were speaking about the third dimension. 0 births out the first point. The first point, or first dimension, multiplies itself into two, just like the very cells in our bodies. Then the first and second points become congruent, and forms a triangle. The triangle is the third dimension, and you have to understand the process of the third dimension, in order to understand how it becomes a sphere, or circle in 2d. You have the three point triangle, and on the left and right side, a pair of 7s. So you may ask why the 7th dimension would be on the left, and right side of the triangle. This enables the triangle to become whole, and become a sphere. Remember the pie of the circle, or sphere, is 3.14. So the 7th dimension causes the triangle to become whole, and turn to a sphere. Even the square becomes the 7th dimension with a point in the middle. Or the five point star. Everything becomes connected, and is unified, and parallel to one another. All things are destined to become one. Some scientist believe that the black hole is eventually sucking up clusters of stars, as if water was falling down the drain. I believe that our galaxies are becoming whole, and is becoming one. So zero births out 1, and everything will eventually become whole with the number 1, which is a manifestation of 0.

A said...

Consider this: Our physical interpretation consists of atomic structures and movement(4th D/time)...there are spaces between spaces that need be accounted for.
They are invisible in a 3-d perspective. They only exists with the 4th D (time).
As the 4th D needs 3-d to exist.
As the 3rd D needs 2-d to exist.
As the 2nd D needs 1-d to exist.
So, the 5th D needs the 4-D to exist.
Bending/spreading the 3-D will create movement through the 4th-D.
This movement is the 5th-D.


Anonymous said...

0 D- a point
1- a line (length)
2- length vs hieght
3- length vs height vs depth
4- a plane on which time can be perceived with movement
5- a "fold" within time, or time travel
6- one beginning, with all possible ends, or all the possible "worlds"
7- this is where im need help. i understand the 9th and 10th dimension, but whats the 7th and 8th?

Anonymous said...

The seventh is just all the possible tmelines or possibilities of the our own big bang treated as a point. Another big bang with different initial conditions create a second point which then creates a line and this new dimension where the line exist is the eight dimension.

Anonymous said...

Can anybody tell me why people say we are in a 3 dimensional universe even though we actually live in 4 dimensions

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble seeing the difference between the 6th and 7th dimension

Anonymous said...

The dimensions that we can see are the one's easiest for our minds to comprehend. It's the dimensions that are abstract we have so much difficulty grasping and explaining. We try to apply measurement and our five senses to abstract dimensions in order to explain or describe. Time as a dimension is most likely more complicated than a simple measurement as we know it (seconds, minutes, etc... ). Time probably has much more facets to it than simple measurements we use to commonly describe it...much the same is true for the concept of distance.

I imagine that many of the unknown or not fully understood extra dimensions can and will be better understood eventually with more knowledge and discoveries. I imagine that those extra dimensions become more evident through changing our literal point-of-view. All matter changes depending upon contact and conditional changes altering the point-of-view, thus revealing what has always been but only unseen or unrealized. We are still discovering different forms of matter and uncovering surprising new knowledge that usually isn't at all what we theorized.

Excuse me for the rambling thoughts..but I'm not sure that justice can be done explaining the extra dimensions effectively at this point in time. Eventually...perhaps?

(This is just a thought I've had... call me crazy if you choose. I have thought about the possiblity of "UFO" sightings...strange lights...disappearing objects/people...even what we call "ghosts"... may actually have more to do with the extra dimensions?)

Anonymous said...

I say we live in the fifth if the fifth dimension is indeed movement