Friday, October 20, 2006

Two Steps Further

Clearing the Air - More Languages that Suck taking the sucks and other words in combination with computer languages to the next level. Where Fotran sucks the least and Javascript sucks the most. There was also a correlation between hackiness and suckiness.

Update: Javadevelopers f*** the least "Just to add a further number to the study -- because Andrew unexplicably omitted Python -- here's the data: about 196,000 files / 200 occurences -> 980. That's the second highest result, placing it between Java and Perl (note that the higher the number, the less f***s -- I would have normalized that by taking it 1/n, but, fuck, there's always something to complain)."

Update: Using Google Code search to find the programming language most likely to drive you mad "From this we can clearly see that C is leading the pack, with TCL obviously a pretty mind-bending second place."

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