Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Patterns in Software - Part 2

Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community (freely available in PDF). "Quality Without a Name" spends a lot of time taking Alexander's objective "meaning for beauty, for the aliveness that certain buildings, places, and human activities have" and applying it to software. This chapter also has a fairly good definition of patterns:

Patterns certainly have an appeal to people who wish to design and construct systems because they are a means to capture common sense and are a way to capture abstractions that are not easily captured otherwise.

The second thing (and second paragraph) is a re-definition, for most people in the software industry, on who the users of the software are:

...when you read Alexander, it is clear that a “user” is an inhabitant—someone who lives in the thing constructed. The thing constructed is under constant repair by its inhabitants, and end users of software do not constantly repair the software, though some might want to.

So these are not the regular definitions of quality or user. It's certainly not the TQM definition of quality: the fitness to a standard or set of requirements. It's much closer to the principle of quality in XP and other agile methodologies. Meeting requirements is rejected as the definition of quality because they are often contradictory, he quotes Alexander on his experience with Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system:

So it became clear that the free functioning of the system did not purely depend on meeting a set of requirements. It had to do, rather, with the system coming to terms with itself and being in balance with the forces that were generated internal to the system, not in accordance with some arbitrary set of requirements we stated...What bothered me was that the correct analysis of the ticket booth could not be based purely on one’s goals, that there were realities emerging from the center of the system itself and that whether you succeeded or not had to do with whether you created a configuration that was stable with respect to these realities.

He also takes some time using other (somewhat confusing) words such as alive, whole, comfortable, free, exact, egoless, and eternal to further refine what "the quality without a name" is. The purpose for this is clear though, it's to rediscover objective quality or the combination of fact and value.

We in software are not so lucky—all of our artifacts were conceived and constructed firmly in the system of fact separated from value. But there are programs we can look at and about which we say, “no way I’m maintaining that kluge.” And there are other programs about which we can say, “Wow, who wrote this!” So the quality without a name for software must exist.

Some of them I'd consider fairly vague but others have some parallel with XP principles and similar ideas. In order to describe how a system is alive Gabriel uses the metaphor of a fire and a fireplace. The structure of the logs, chimneys and so on is a well thought out system which supports a self-sustaining process that once set in motion reaches a predefined end - a small pile of ashes. And "whole" is a property where something is self consistent. This is what occurs when code is reflected upon and refactored. And while Gabriel doesn't spend much time talking about a system being egoless, this concept should be familiar to most agile practitioners. XP and other methodologies encourage the idea of egoless programming and collective ownership.

All of these concepts and "the quality without a name" all seem to me to be descriptions of development methodologies, practices, principles and values and the particular kind of software that is developed as a result of applying these processes. That is, software with this quality is a result of a software process with the same quality.

He ends this chapter with "some things" (I'd say requirements) for software which possesses the "quality without a name". I'd summarize it as:
  • Not written under unrealistic deadlines.
  • Modules and abstractions not too large and small enough to understand and remember what they do.
  • Code constantly repaired (he'd probably say refactored today).
  • A fractal nature of code - looking at the large or the small the code is coherent.

He ends it with this lament:

I wish we had a common body of programs with the quality, because then we could talk about them and understand. As it is, programs are secret and protected, so we rarely see any but those we write ourselves. Imagine a world in which houses were hidden from view. How would Alexander have found the quality with no name?

Since this was written there's been a lot of code made public but I still can't think of any that I've really looked at and appreciated (and in fact I tend to avoid looking at Java code written under the Apache licence for example). Any suggestions?

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