Tuesday, February 05, 2008

50% Less Code or Your Money Back

Less that two weeks ago 0.5.3 of JRDF is released and now it's 0.5.4's turn.

This is mainly driven by making the fix to the bug in the btree (or Sesame's version) available.

It does however mean that the changes to the Resource API are made available more quickly. I remember looking at Jena's Resource and thinking it was bloated, confusing and rather poorly thought out from an efficiency point of view (holding onto all Graph and associated objects) but now I finally understand the positive effects it has on the code and I like it. JRDF's Resource sits on top of an RDF graph and automatically performs conversion from Java objects like URIs (which become URIReferences) and insert or removes them from the graph. It too has many methods that do the same thing but with different types. It's better than the recent changes to TripleFactory as it allows blank nodes too. JRDF's Graph implementation is no longer the heavy weight object it once was, it references the indexes and nodepool but no longer has any real control over them (this meant removing serialization).

Code becomes a lot smaller too, for example (the create call is URI.create):

Resource supplier = elementFactory.createResource();
supplier.addValue(create("urn:supplier"), "S1");
supplier.addValue(create("urn:name"), create("urn:Smith"));
supplier.addValue(create("urn:status"), 20);
supplier.addValue(create("urn:city"), "London", XSD.STRING);

Creates the triples:

_:1 urn:sno "sno"
_:1 urn:name urn:Smith
_:1 urn:status "20"^^xsd:int
_:1 urn:city "London"^^xsd:string

It used to be something like:

Resource supplier = elementFactory.createResource();
URIReference supplierPred = elementFactory.
graph.add(supplier, supplierPred, "S1");

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