Very succinctly, in "The Semantics of SPARQL" it says: "The RDF merge
In "SPARQL Query Language for RDF" it gives a simple example:
Graph 1:
_:a foaf:name "Bob" .
_:a foaf:mbox
Graph 2:
_:a foaf:name "Alice" .
_:a foaf:mbox
The result of the merge, upon which queries are made:
_:x foaf:name "Bob" .
_:x foaf:mbox
_:y foaf:name "Alice" .
_:y foaf:mbox
Section 9 details querying multiple graphs in SPARQL, including a new dataset where the default graph is a merge of the graphs in the FROM clause.
In summary, when SPARQL operations are performed across graphs you get new blank nodes which prevents, for example, being able to JOIN across graphs using them.
What is generally required by RDF applications is something like smushing. For example, an "...RDF spider (often known as a "scutter") can gather up FOAF files and "smush" them together into a single model that unifies the individual pieces of information into a network." (from "A Semantic Web Shoebox - Annotating Photos with RSS and RDF").
To actually achieve smushing, Leo has an example algorithm or it might be appropriate to adapt RDF graph isomorphism algorithms.
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