Tuesday, March 14, 2006

XML Configuration - Howzat?

Does Wicket Suit Your Web Framework Style? "One Web framework style tends to favor external configuration over explicit Java code. Struts, for instance, relies on one or more XML configuration files to specify the flow of a Web application. While that style works well for some developers, XML files irritate just as many, who prefer to specify Web application logic in Java code instead.

According to a recent introductory article by Guillermo Castro about the Wicket framework:

[In Wicket] all the application logic falls inside the Java classes, instead of mixing it with the pages, like JSP (true separation of concerns). The Java code is glued to the HTML page by using a special wicket:id attribute that can be assigned to almost any HTML tag, and that tells Wicket where do you want to render a component. Wicket comes with several components like Labels, Links, Lists, etc., which are uniquely defined on a webpage by setting an Id to the component, and the content which is represented by a Model.

If you're using Wicket, there's only one XML you really need to modify, web.xml, and this isn't even a Wicket requirement, but rather a servlet specification requirement (i.e. you can't make a servlet work if you don't define it in the xml)."

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