Wednesday, August 31, 2005

New Kowari Soon

Kowari v1.1 Pre-release Feature Peek "The v1.1 release of Kowari will include the following features:

o The addition of Paul Gearon's Krule (pronounced "cruel") rules engine. Paul has fast and scalable RDFS support implementated (with the exception of XSD data typing) and is working on implementing more rules for an OWL subset.

o Rewriting of ConstraintExpressions and ModelExpressions to collapse Resolver-specific constraints that should be evaluated together into compound constraints (query rewriting) and permitting Resolvers to advise query engine of the evaluation order of constraints to ensure binding of required variables (query annotation). These features were added by Andrae Muys and Simon Raboczi and will form the basis for a cleaner query language syntax and cleaner integration of external Resolvers, such as GIS systems.

o The removal of Jena support. Kowari v1.0 implemented a Jena storage backend and included an RDQL query language API. This has caused difficulties in maintenance and support as the two projects have gone in different directions. Kowari will remove (not deprecate) support for Jena as of the v1.1 release.

o Support for compiling Kowari under Java 1.5. The Kowari team will be moving to Java version 1.5 as the canonical build version, replacing Java 1.4.2."

Via, Kowari v1.1 Pre-release Feature Peek.

Also, new MindSwap Kowari Library part of PhotoStuff.

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